我们很高兴地宣布 11 月通用绝缘公司核心价值奖的获得者. 请花点时间祝贺 Jim Farmer, 业务经理, 卡特里特, NJ branch for being November’s Core Values Award Winner! 祝贺, Jim! 您的辛勤工作和对一般绝缘的奉献精神已被注意到. 我们为您的成就感到自豪; 我们期待您的持续成功,并感谢您展示我们的核心价值观!
“James “Jim” Farmer, aka “Farmer” as we call him, is a great partner! We honestly could not function with him! Without his intelligence and intensity to get jobs done in a quick and timely manner we would struggle to maintain our inventory. What Farmer does for us is a huge task and takes a ton of organizational skills. Meanwhile he still operates and manages his own branch with the help of his amazing branch manager. We owe them both a ton, for helping us stay in stock. I couldn’t have done it without their teamwork and if I did it would be really expensive, cutting into my margin. Jim got us the product at minimal cost with minimal effort from my team, but well thought out from his side. PURE GENIUS!!! You go Jim, and I think I can speak for the entire West region by saying we can’t thank you enough for all you do! You are a big part of our success, and we just hope you earn the gratitude we exude for all you do for us! Thanks Jim, you are a true team player!"
该月度奖项颁发给表现出GIC核心价值观的员工, 情报, 正直, 和强度. 我们从经理那里得到了一些令人难以置信的提名, 同行, 甚至客户. 感谢所有提交提名的人以及被提名者, 这是另一个很好的提醒,GIC最好的部分是它的人.