Claremont Low K 200 and 340 Polyimide Hullboard

Claremont Low K 200 and 340 Polyimide Hullboard

Thermal and acoustical insulation products fabricated from lightweight, fire-resistant polyimide foam. Open-cell foam available as thermal and acoustical hullboard, pipe covering, and transmission-loss treatment. Closed-cell foam available for antisweat hull treatment.

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Product Description

Polyimide Hullboard can be unfaced, or with navy cloth facing, acoustical facing, or mylar facing. It comes as 1″ or 2″ thick 24″ x 36″ or 24″ x 48″ sheets.


  • Shipboard hulls, bulkheads, overheads, and ducts requiring thermal and/or acoustical treatment per DOD-I-24688.
  • Submarine hull and frame sections requiring sound transmission-loss treatments. TLT-DB is the U.S. Navy’s approved alternate to MIL-T-24708.


  • Weight reduction— Lightweight polyimide foam offers substantial weight savings.
  • Fewer mechanical fastening devices required.
  • Polyimide foam is inherently fire resistant, thus yielding longer burn-through times, low surface-burning characteristics, very low smoke developed, no significant toxic offgassing.
  • Full approval by U.S. Navy.
  • Factory-applied facings and jacketings include glass cloth, aluminized Mylar, Tuffskin, perforated glass cloth, and others.
  • Improved habitability— Increased resistance to abuse and water damage.
  • Shipboard chilled-water lines and systems up to 100°F. Vapor barrier jacketing or lagging is required per MIL-STD 769 and MIL-STD 635.

Polyimide Foam Specifications Compliance

Low K-200 Polyimide Foam Safety Data Sheet

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