有效 9.20.21 –> 卡莱尔 14% – 20% 价格上涨

卡莱尔 价格上涨 9.20.21


有机硅: 15%
SPF: 15-16%
Acrylics: 14-23%
Polyurea: 22%
Primers and Accessories: 8-20%

The price increase applies to all orders that are shipped on or after September 20, 2021
regardless of purchase order date; including orders with requested ship dates prior to September
20, 2021 which we are unable to fulfill. Requests for quote extensions will be considered on a
case by case basis, but only at increased prices. All new quotes will include these increases.

This increase is required to offset sustained cost increases in various raw materials, packaging
and freight. We continue to exhaust every effort and opportunity to offset the increases we’ve
endured in 2021 while ensuring we do our best to maintain product quality and service
standards in this challenging environment.

Your sales representative will contact you to explain this announcement in more detail and to
answer any questions you may have.
We appreciate your business and look forward to getting back to normal operating standards as
quickly as possible.


Wesley Sherrer

卡莱尔, 涂料, 泡沫, 价格上涨, 喷雾
AGM 行业 6% 价格上涨 – 9月生效 1, 2021
有效 9.27.21 –> CL WARD 15% – 20% 所有产品的价格上涨
